Credit scores can be a confusing and intimidating number that directly influences a person’s financial stability. The higher a credit score is, the easier it is for a person to get a car loan, mortgage, credit cards, and other types of credit. There are many options available for consumers to reduce debt and increase credit scores. Having a personal loan can help build up credit if it is consistently paid on time, but late payments on a loan will decrease a credit score. Consumers should shop around before taking out a loan to make sure the loan is right for them. A debt consolidation loan may also help credit scores rise if utilized properly. There are many financial tips, techniques and suggestions that can be done to increase a credit score.
- Improve Your Credit Score by 100+ Points: Information on what a credit score is and tips on how to organize and reduce debt to raise the score.
- Poor Credit Can Cost You: 9 Ways to Increase Your FICO Credit Score: 9 things a person can do to increase their credit score and gain control of finances.
- The Dangers of Long Term and Interest Only Loans: A deeper look at long term and interest only loans and how they affect consumers.
- Borrowing Wisely: Find out how to borrow money wisely by learning about saving, spending, and loans.
- How Does Debt Settlement Affect Your Credit Rating?: Debt settlement is when a person negotiates a one-time lump sum debt payoff, and since creditors usually do not receive the total balance of the debt, they will usually report the delinquency to credit bureaus.
- Debt Consolidation Loan – Pros and Cons: Information to help decide if debt consolidation is the right answer for each individual person.
- Improving your FICO® Credit Score: Tips on how to improve your credit score and reduce debt.
- What Lenders Look For in a Credit Score: Suggestions on cleaning up one’s credit and increasing credit score.
- The Secret to Getting Out of Debt: Forget Snowballs and Interest Rates: A Father’s suggestions on how to get out of debt.
- Finance 101: Good Debt vs. Bad Debt: A man discusses what good debt is and what bad debt is and provides questions for his readers to ponder.
- What NOT to say in your Personal Loan Application: A humorous and true account of things a person should not put on a loan application, including asking for a loan for a pony.
- Improve Your Credit Score Easily With These Tips: Tips to reduce debt and improve credit score, including paying loans and credit cards on time.
- How To Use Debt To Improve Your Credit: Having debts, such as loans, that are paid on time over a period of time can actually help your credit.
- Ask Jean: How to Check — and Establish — Your Credit: This is a Q&A about requesting a credit report to check for accuracies and tips on how to build up positive credit.
- How To Pay off Credit Card Debt: A Success Story: A blogger provides tips and techniques to become debt free, inspired by another blogger who became completely debt free in 3 years.
- Getting a Grip on your Personal Finances: Article about various personal financing products and how to keep them in good order to achieve and retain a good credit score.
- A Beginner’s Guide To Personal Loans: This article provides basic information on personal loans, both secured and unsecured.
- What are Debt Consolidation Benefits?: Six reasons why debt consolidation is beneficial.
- Loans Tips – Managing Your Personal Loans: How to decide if a loan is the right option and tips on how to choose the best loan.
- 5 Tips For Repairing Bad Credit: No matter what a current credit score is, these 5 tips will improve and help to repair credit ratings.
- On Being Broke: A women’s experiences with no money and bad credit, how she views money, what she does with her money, and how she is going to get a loan to help improve her financial situation.
- Debt Relief Strategies – Debt Consolidation Tips: Tips on how to consolidate and improve debt.
- 12 Bizarre Things That Harm Your Credit Score: This article takes a look at 12 things that harm credit scores that consumers often overlook.
- Top 10 Personal Loans For People With Bad Credit: This is a list of 10 different types of personal loans, with explanations.
- Debt Settlement Companies Will Not Improve Your Credit Score: A financial blogger answers a question about working with a debt settlement company and explains how this can cause a credit score to fall.
- Will Paying Off an Unsecured Loan Raise My Credit Score?: This article describes the difference between paying the regular monthly loan payments and paying thanks loan off completely.
- Avoiding Personal Financial Blunders: People with bad credit can follow this advice to be able to spot and avoid financial scams and traps.
- FICO Mythbuster #345, Paying Off Installment Debt Will Improve Your Scores: A credit reporting and scoring expert explains how paying off installment debt actually causes a credit score to drop.
- Banker Says – Carry Debt to Improve Credit Score: Paying off a debt early will decrease the debt to credit ratio and raise the credit score.
- 15 Min Finances: Pay Off 1 Debt This Month: A financial blogger discusses her plan to pay off one debt by the end of the month. She talks about how paying off a debt will not only improve a person’s financial situation but it can also lift their spirits.
- DFA Weekly Link Rally: Saving Money to Repay Debt in Lump Sums: A financial blogger provides his thoughts on paying off loans in lump sum payments instead of paying off the debt all at once.
- 42 Ways to Radically Simplify Your Financial Life: 42 things that can be done to improve and simplify many financial situations.
- Learn About Your Credit Score – A Quick Guide: Myths and truths about credit scores, how the score is calculated, and activities that can help or hurt credit scores.
- What’s A Good Credit Score? Should You Care?: Detailed explanation of a FICO credit score including how it is calculated, what the numbers mean, and how to obtain a credit score.
- 15 Ways to Establish and Improve Your Credit History and FICO Score: This blog post provides 15 ways to improve a FICO score and credit history including paying bills, such as loans, on time.
- Paying Old Collection Accounts Bummer: A quick answer to a blog reader asking why his credit score only went up 13 points after paying off all the debt being held in collections.
- 5 Tips to Understanding What Affects Your Credit Score: The Money Coach talks about 5 behaviors that will affect a person’s credit score.
- Seven Steps to Get Out of Debt: A list of seven action steps and behaviors to get financial organization and reduce and eliminate debt.
- How do I get my old debts paid off so that I can raise my credit score?: Bill answers a reader’s question by providing information on how to pay off debts to raise credit scores.
- How to improve your credit score and become credit worthy: Simple ways to improve credit scores, including having a history of paying debt on time as 35% of a credit score is based on payment history.
- Secured Personal Loans: A summary of secured personal loans, including advantages and drawbacks.
- Debt Consolidation Service, Does This Damage Or Help Your Credit?: This article discusses whether debt consolidation will increase or decrease a credit score, including immediate and long term results.
- Get New Good Credit Started: This is an outline of tips on how to turn bad credit into good credit such, as having a loan and making payments on time.
- Credit: John Tesh writes about common credit report mistakes on his blog, explaining that credit reports and credit history is just as important as a person’s ancestral history.
- Ways to Eliminate Debt with a Personal Loan: Information how a personal loan can help reduce or eliminate debt.
- Fix Bad Credit: This author suggests changing a billing date so that payments are made prior to the company reporting credit standings.
- An Overview of Instant unsecured Personal Loans: For emergencies, instant unsecured personal loans can help people with bad credit.
- How To Pay Off Debt Fast With Debt-Snowball Technique – A Case Study: A look at the Snowball Technique of paying down debt with the highest interest rates first.
- Proceed With Caution When Closing A Credit Account: It may surprise people to learn that closing a credit account or loan may cause credit ratings to drop.
- Debt Reduction Methods and Philosophies: Snowball, Avalanche and More: An in-depth look at the various philosophies and methods of reducing debt and increasing credit scores.
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